Thursday, March 17, 2011

Water scarcity: A looming crisis?

By Alex Kirby, Tuesday, 19 October 2004

Although this article is kind of old I still wanted to use it because I feel like there has been no drastic change in the information given. The article tells you about what if happening in the whole world having to do with water, and then it gives solutions to help our world from having a dangerous lack of water.  Water pollution is becoming a serious issue because even though people may have water to drink, they defiantly cannot use that water due to contamination.  More than 5 million people die from water pollution yearly, this can be expected to rise since our world’s population is predicted to rise into the 8 billion’s by 2050. My picture is a picture of the water usage increase from 1900 to 2000 and you can only imagine what has happened since then and what will happen in the future if we do not change. Not only is it the amount of drinking water, but the amount of water to produced food.  The impoverished are also taking a huge blow, because those countries have very few ways of obtaining fresh water not only for drinking, but for everyday purposes as well. There are some “technical solutions” we can take, like drip irrigation and low pressure hoses for the agricultural world. Other things like desalination can help but cost far too much money to really fix our water crisis. The main technical solution that is given is RECYCLING, making water reusable for drinking and everyday tasks. Recycling and conservation are our best options especially with the question of our climate change and also the growing population.  Although, our water problem may be simple to solve, water is one of our most basic resources, everybody wants it (and needs it).

                I feel as if although this is a terrible crisis, that WE are the ones who put ourselves in jeopardy because of our lack of care for the way that we distribute our water supplies.  I am of course upset to hear not only what we are doing to ourselves, but what we are doing to those around who have NOT been using excessive amounts of water, and the people of the next generations that are going to be impacted greatly by something that is not their fault.  This reminds me of the presentation that Mr. Exton made at the beginning of the unit because he talked about how bad the need for clean water is becoming, so this just reinforces my thoughts on the subject. I think that everyone is going to have to change for there to be an improvement on this issue.

1.       What are you going to do to improve the water “situation”?

2.       Do you have any of your own ideas for a way to conserve water or fix the “water crisis”?

3.       How do you think water will be viewed at in the future? Why?


  1. I agree whole heartedly that water consumption is a very serious issue, especially when you put into perspective how large our population is expected to become, and how there might not be enough water for everyone to go around. Like you stated earlier in the paragraph, desalination is costly, and also at the same time I wanted to point out that to desalinate water, you must use fire, and fire creates chemicals in its smoke that are bad for the environment. Just some food for thought. Conservation does seem to be the best choice, and recycling of course, but it seems like it will be very difficult with how large the population will be. Hopefully we'll all find a way to manage with what we have and make the best of our serious situation.

    This paragraph about how water consumption is vital to human life and water can run out if we're not careful reminded me of a survivor man episode I saw back when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. He was in the desert (where we all know there's little to no water) and he was so thirsty because he had nothing to consume or drink. I remember he had some kind of knife with him, which he took out and cut open some cactus with. Inside of the cactus he managed to find a little water, which he attempted to drink to help keep himself hydrated. It seems like maybe we'll find water, even in the most unlikely of places.

    3. I think water will be viewed in the future similar to how it's viewed now, but it will be of much more importance and value as there may not be enough to go around and keep everyone alive. It will be treated with care and there will probably be serious laws about cut backs on water and its usage, so as to make sure there's plenty for everyone to be entitled to.

  2. Its sad how many people are affected now by how we all use the world's water. Taking that into thought, it'd affect the human population even greater in the future, especially with the rate we're reproducing at now. It surprised me at the amount of water that industries used in comparison to agriculture; I never would've imagined its greater than the agricultural uses.

    I was reminded of a series of books called The Shadow Children; they were kids that were "mistakes" because there was a limit per family on the number of children they were permitted to have and if they were found they'd be either killed or taken and put to work for the government. The reason for the limit on children was because of the dwindling food, water, and housing resources. While reading this series, it made me think of how our world would be affect by a law like this. There definitely wouldn't be any worries about water resources. Also, the uses for water in the graph above would be more steady and not as great of increases over the years.

    2. There are the obvious answers like turning off the water while brushing your teeth; do larger loads of laundry; wait until the dish washer is full before running it; and drinking the water from the faucet and not bottled water. However, there are also other ways like not paving many more roads as to not block and cover aquifers; not using fertilizers or pesticides; and not using products made from pollution-causing industries and factories.

  3. Well looking at the chart things seem to be going the wrong way on the chart. A lot of water is used for everything and certain things shouldn't be how they are. We need to find some news ways for water because when we eventually run out. Nothing good will happen obviously. Also not everybody has water and so many people use way too much water so we need to cut down in the water and expand the water. In a way.

    All this talk about losing water reminds me of my global studies class where we are learning about Africa and their struggles. Also how Africa does not have access to clean drinking water because of the Europeans who took over Africa early. Really Africa should be one of the best countries but they are not and some reasons why are because of not enough water.

    3. I think water will be the most important thing in the future and most of the wars will be fought over it. Right now we don't realize it but all the water will run out and then we will have wars over the last water supplies. I would hope that most people know that water is going to run out and that we need to find new ways to get water or make water.
