Wednesday, March 9, 2011

EPA to regulate rocket fuel chemical in drinking water for causing the same problems as fluoride

By: Ethan a. Huff; Friday, February 4, 2011

The article I read, talked about how the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) needs to put a limit on the amount of perchlorate, something found in rocket fuel, in your everyday drinking water. The agency talked about how too much of that chemical will disrupt the take in of iodine. This would disrupt the way the thyroid would work, and would cause disease. When the thyroid fails to get the iodine it needs, then many things could begin to happen. You could get chronic fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss, perpetual muscle pain, increased cholesterol levels, heart disease, and many other conditions. The EPA had lowered the perchlorate level to a maximum of 4 parts per million(ppm). However, this thyroid problem also occurs with the natural toxin called floride. The EPA remains silent on this fact, also meaning that the natural chemical found in drinking water could be harmful to everyone. This doesn't seem right.
My thoughts are relatively predictable and simple. One, how will the EPA just leave an issue like this alone? With this being said it's hard to believe the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY is not protecting people and leaving the flouride in the water. Water naturaly needs flouride, but when the protection of people is at hand, I believe that the limit should be decreased. I mean I can relate to how sick people can get when water is contaminated. My brother went to High School that had contaminated fountain water for a couple days without knowing. He stayed home for a while with stomach virus' and strep throat. Contaminated water is dangerous and should be delt with immediately, not just left alone.
1. If you were to be contaminated by this water or knew someone who was, how would speak out to try and get this delt with?
2. When water is contaminated people suffer greatly. Would you help people who were contaminated who you know closely? Why or Why not?
3. Water is a rare source that people don't have much of. How would you react if we found more ways to get water that is drinkable?


  1. I personally agree in that it's very important that the EPA does regulate chemicals in the water, and remove the ones that have potential danger, such as water housing the chemcial perchlorate. As Tyler stated above, chemicals in water can prove to be hazardous to those who drink it. Many people unknowingly are drinking contaminated water, which can have very bad side effects in the future, which is why it's important to keep our water's regulated as to prevent others from being harmed.(reflection)

    My own tap water in my house I don't drink at all. It's probably not so much bad for me or contaminated with chemicals (certainly not perchlorate)as it just doesn't taste very good most times. In the past when I use to occasionally get a drink of the water from the tap after brushing my teeth, the water would have a metallic tint to it which would leave a terrible aftertaste in my mouth. It was disgusting, so I eventually just began bringing bottled water up to my bed side to drink whenever I feel thirsty. (connection)

    1. If I knew someone who was dealing with contaminated drinking water, I would first of all make them stop drinking this water, even going as far as to buy them bottled water because I wouldn't want them to get hurt. Second of all, I would direct them to a hospital to have them examinated and find out how the water has been effecting their health, so as to make sure there isn't anything too seriously wrong which could happen to them (arsenic poisoning for example.) Then I would make sure they had their water expected and "fixed" would be the best way to describe it. I might join a few websites speaking out against the water crisis to rally support as I know someone personally affected negatively by water pollution and do what I could to show my support for them.

  2. I also think that the EPA should do a better job at different things. They need to remove the chemicals that have any danger what so ever. I also agree that they should limit the amount of Perchlorate in your water if it causes all those things. I think that the EPA needs to find all the bad chemicals and remove them before more people can get sick. If I was contaminated by this water or knew someone I would immediately stop drinking the water and tell the producer of it to fix it. I would help people that were contaminated because that would be the good thing to do and it could save peoples lives. If we found more drinkable water I would react the same because it SEEMS the U.S. has the water it needs. I would be thankful though because everybody in other countries would be able to drink the water.

  3. I think this is completely unreasonable and unrealistic. If the water is contaminated by a rocket fuel and the EPA already changed the ppms on that, why wouldn't they change the ppms of Fluoride that cause extremely dangerous symptoms?? I agree with Tyler that the EPA IS called a PROTECTION AGENCY and they should be doing something to PROTECT the people consuming this seriously contaminated water (reflection).

    I can't connect this to anything in my past experiences, but this sounds like endangered species. If an animal is being threatened and or is on its way to endangerment/extinction, why wouldn't you do something about it? The natural food chain would strongly and negatively alter from animal extinction, and so would the human population if too many people consume the contaminated water (connection).

    I'd like to ask a few questions:
    What have people been doing so far to help this effort?
    How far have their efforts gotten and what has changed in association to the ppms allowed in the water?
    Why doesn't the EPA look at the facts and change the EPA before the percentage of contaminated and people start asking more questions and the EPA gets bombarded with news casters and journalists?

  4. I got what you mean , thanks for posting .Woh I am happy to find this website through google.
