Thursday, February 10, 2011

Drilling for gas in Mediterranean Sea will threaten valuable marine life, says WWF by Gemma Parkes

SummaryIn the Eastern Mediterranean's Levant Sea, a deep-sea gas field was thought to be found and immediatly people wanted to start drilling. In that very same area there was a very biodiverse ecosystem of animals. If there is drilling then it WILL have harmful effects on the rare and interesting marine life living there. The gas field that was found was the biggest one discovered in over 10 years. This particular sea is protected by a law that says there should be no destructive trawl fishing over 1000 meters in depth. This law is being ignored. The argument is definatly serious because drilling in this area can wipe out species that are thousands of years old.
I chose this artical not only because we were talking about the bidiversity factor of an area and how important it is to be biodiverse, but also because i strongly believe that this is wrong. Clearly the people who want to drill in this sea are only hungry for money but not smart enough to realize that the planet should come first. These types of animals balance out the biosphere and are a neccesity in keeping our planet a great place to live, so by drilling in this gas field would only be hurting ourselves.
Would you drill for gas? why or why not?
Do you agree that biodiversity is an important part of keeping our world in balance? Why?
How would you go about stopping people from drilling?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you Stephanie, I too personally believe that drilling for gas in an area of ocean that's surrounded by millions of fish is a very, very bad idea. Even more so, it's sad to realize that there's even a law against it, but people are willing to ignore the law. Sad because the moral code set by our foundation of justice is so easily to be ignored, in the attempts of pursuing human desires centered around greed and less around the betterment of ourselves, others and the environment. Greed has always led to the downfall of societies, I mean, look at the 80s, those were the years of greed! Then when there was a bump in the stock market and things plummeted everyone panicked. Of course it built itself back up, but it came back to haunt us and has set the basis for the economy slump we're in today.
    Anyway, back on topic, I definitely would not drill for gas, because though it could make me money, there are plenty of other ways to make a living and make plenty of money, without endangering the lives of millions of fish in this ecosystem. Yes, biodiversity is an important way of keeping our world balanced, because without biodiversity, there would be such few animals, and with few animals, with would be very difficult to survive as each animal serves a purpose in controlling our environment which is necessary for survival.
    Though we probably couldn't do much to stop drilling, people could always try to find ways to stage peaceful protests, or use hunger strikes or even sabotage drilling equipment to get them to stop.

    Here's a link about drilling in the water, for gases or oil, and its effects:

  3. I believe that people should not drill because it would wipe out many species. If people want to endanger species, then yes they should drill. However, in my opinion people should not drill. I would not drill mainly because if I were to then I would be putting species in danger and creating an imbalance in the main part of the ocean where I am drilling. If I were able to put a stop to this drilling I would most likely try to talk to someone who was in charge and ask why they were doing this. This most likely wouldn’t work so then I would try and convince the person of how it was wrong and how many lives of aquatic animals he was killing and endangering.
    This link explains how drilling hurts even hurts people:

  4. I think the drilling is irrational and the people looking to drill there aren't think the whole plan through. If they want to make some quick money there are cheap stocksthey can buy and/or sell and there always seems to be a surplus of unused items in every household. They aren't thinking of all the animals they'd be harming by drilling and how they, themselves, would be affected by the decrease in biodiversity.
    Biodiversity is obviously important in our ecosystem because we wouldn't be able to recover from any natural or man-made damages in the past or future.
    I would stop people from drilling by finding other occurances when people have drilled and a negative affect has come out of it and affected both humans and animals. If that didn't work I'd find a lawyer specializing in the environment and force the people wanting to drill to listen and look at the proven data that tells them not to drill.
    Here's an article on how drilling can affect the environment if something goes wrong and the oil spills:

  5. I agree with you on the fact that drilling is a bad thing to happen there. Also a lot of the corporate leaders only want money. They really don't care too much about the effects on the environment. Absolutely drilling will affect us in a bad way but we won't experience it that much only the future generations will. I would not drill for gas not only because it i bad for the environment but also because we need to look at different forms of energy.Yes Biodiversity is important for the world to stay balanced because of things that can happen. If I had to stop them from drilling I would show many people what the effects were. Also I would send leaders to the heads of drilling proving that they would be killing their kid's kid's.
